
Deliver the Essence of Your Message

Whether you are looking to uplift your workforce, or perhaps entertain your guests at a special event, or you are looking for the right voice that can articulate a specific message, challenge or inspire your audience. Tariq is indeed your go-to man for the job.

A culturally sensitive, serious yet humorous, inspirational human dynamo. Tariq will fully digest your message and deliver it in the best way your audience can receive and comprehend.

With a powerful voice and a charismatic style, you can expect an empathetic engaging presentation that is only fit to your purpose in any industry or occasion; in person and through any media.

Tap into the emotions of your audience in an immersive experience and inspire them to take action.

Speaking Engagements

  • Brand Representation
  • Seminars & Conferences
  • Virtual Seminars
  • Keynotes/ Plenary
  • Motivational/ Inspirational
  • Staff/ Student Orientation
  • Press Conferences
  • Radio, Media Appearances
  • Podcasts/ Online Interviews
  • Social Events/ Eulogies
  • Moderation/ Live Interpretation
Some of our satisfied clients

Let me speak to your audience in a way they would listen.

Ready to create a personalized audience experience?

Get In Touch